There is a feature in ANSYS which allows the user to activate or deactivate a contact for various time steps for some types of analyses.
In order to access this feature in workbench you have to right-click on the analysis branch (for example: “Static Structural” ) and select “Contact Step Control”.

Once you select this you will get a contact step control object in the tree. You can then click on this object, select a contact definition, pick a time step and choose “alive” (active) or “dead” (inactive) as needed

You can only select one contact definition per object.
Contact Step Control is available for the following analysis types:
- Coupled Field Static and Transient
- Static Structural
- Transient Structural
- Steady-State Thermal
- Transient Thermal
- Thermal-Electric
- Electric
You can read more about this topic in ANSYS Help.