This is an error message that can appear when you are trying to calculate a linearized stress result:
“A Linearized Stress Result Cannot Be Solved. The path is not entirely contained within the finite element mesh. A linearized stress result cannot be solved. The path is not entirely contained within the finite element mesh of structural regions. It is recommended to use “Snap to mesh nodes” on the context menu of the path object..”
As the message suggests the construction path does not lie within the mesh. The message also offers a suggestion. But sometimes, following this suggestion is necessary but not sufficient to fix the issue. Let us demonstrate with an example:
Consider the stress plot shown in Figure 1. The right image shows a path that has been created for stress linearization. If a linearized stress result is requested on this plot the user gets the error message mentioned above.

Snapping to mesh nodes definitely helps as can be seen in the image below. One of the endpoints of the path did not lie on a mesh node. Using the automatic snapping feature it has been made coincident with the nearest node.

However, this did not fix the issue and the same error message appears when trying to generate a linearized path results. The reason for this is revealed upon closer inspection of the other end point. The image on the left in Figure 3 shows that a portion of the path that lies outside the Finite Element Mesh. This has been corrected on the image on the right by slightly moving the other end point.

The linearized stress result can now be generated.